
OhSo Boy Meets Girl


The androgynous look is just so chic and sophisticated .This trend is absolutely perfect for those office girls with its smart and fitted tailoring proving you don't have to compromise looking smart and professional in the office by having to look dull and unfashionable but quite the opposite. For me this trend symbolises female empowerment being the fashionista way of showing we can also 'do it like a dude', which is exactly what fashion Icons Olivia Palermo, Alexa Chung and Janelle Monae have been saying. So of course I couldn't resist putting together just a few Boy meets girl inspired items to inspire you all. I absolutely love this trend and cannot wait to get my PU collar waistcoat XO

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  1. They do the look well. Nice post


    1. I know right, they look amazing but its really not that hard to rock the look I'm sure you could look absolutely fabulous in it too :Dxoxo

  2. i love this kind of style! super classy :)

    1. So do I, with the look women can dress like men but not look anything like them only look fabulous & super classy :)xox

  3. Omg, I totaly love androgynous looks! xx

    1. Isnt it jsut so fabulous. It's so cool how us ladies can dress like guys but still look utterly fabulous and chic haha I love fashion XOXO

  4. I love mens watches and i love wearing mens hats! lol Your blog is so nice! Awesome post as well! I found you thnaks to my friend Plami from Fashion thrill! You have a new follower! :)



    1. Omg I love men's watches too I'm forever sneeking into my dads room and stealing his watches Haha a kasio is on my wishlist so hopefully I can stop stealing from him haha I loove those watches & I love Plami from fashion thrill her dress sense is soo cooky but nice Im so happy she bough us together. Thank you so so much for the follow :Dxoxo

  5. Love this kind of look! :)


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