
OhSoAlexa Chung


Elle Magazine [United Kingdom] (March 2012 

Alexa chung has made a name for herself due to her cooky yet très chic sense of style so of course I couldn't wait to do an OhSoGet the look on her. The outfit I chose to replicate is an oh so simple classic look but with a little twist. Originally being born and bread right here in Britain she is a true inspiration for all of us budding fashion girls because we have a lot to learn from her. Even though she's only 28 years old she has achieved things a fashionista twice her age would be applauded for such as; being the front page spread of Vogue and Elle on a number of occasion (one of them being the march issue above which I absolutely cannot wait to read), Is a contributing editor to Brittish Vogue,  and even has an entire range of Mulberry bags made in honor of her as you do. Alexa chung for me is THE style Icon, her is life is très envious and so is her wardrobe. XOXO

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  1. I know right, her dress sense is so unique she's totally an isparation. :)xox

  2. Oh, she's gorgeous! :)


    Heidi Caterina


    1. Isn't she just! and her dress sense just fabulous :)xo

  3. i love how she dresses girly and demure, and somehow pulls it off to be super chic. i love all her peter pan collars and little flaired dresses- if only my closet looked like that :P

  4. I love her and her hair! Great blog :)x



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