
All black hunny


What I wore ::
Black Duffer Kimono Primark 14 
Distressed Jeans DIY&Primak 13

 Black in fashion is held like the Godfather; not being loud but yet saying so much exuding and undisputed air of mystery and dominance; how I've survived my entire 17 years on earth without yet fully, until this day immersing myself in a cocoon of the darkest shade is beyond me. We've all heard the infamous blogger quotes such as' I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker colour' and ' Black is the new black' .Simply informing you black in itself, is a shade far superior, in no competition with the other flouncy shades along the spectrum. And after sporting this look I can truly say I am now a firm believer of cult black. The way the duffer kimono also caught the wind behind me as I strode just had me feeling like an all black super villain, which I of course loved! Ha

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  1. I love black too! It is amazing how it can be dressed up or down with no need of color variation! You look great!
    Instagram: Cmichellestyles

  2. This is gorge, I love it! x


  3. I always wear all black it makes any outfit look a bit more sophisticated!
    The Lipstick, The Girl and Her Wardrobe

  4. Very chic. Love!


  5. Your hair is absolutely insane!! I the the all-black, and the jewellery you're wearing is a really nice accent to it!
    -Kate | Bleached Mort

  6. Love wearing all black, you look so cool- really like the shoes x
    Feel free to check out our latest post ;)

  7. i LOVE this look! All black is always the best, you wear it so well!

    Shot From The Street | Fashion Blog

  8. This combo is beaut! Primark have the best dusters this season, I love this one! xx

    Viva Epernay

  9. i'm in love with this all black outfit:) and those NB kicks are amazing <33

    lots of love xx
    Nee from ROSECANDLE11

  10. Perfect style, I love wearing all black :) I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin and GFC. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

    Camille xo


  11. you're too sweet :-) love an all black ensemble. Hope you're having a good start of the week my darling. X

  12. Lool I love the Godfather comparison!!

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  13. Love the outfit, and also the text you wrote! I couldn't agree more :)
    Your blog is amazing, and I can really relate to your style! I'm following you back, both on bloglovin and gfc!

    \ Indigo Lights

  14. love this! i adore all black outfits

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  15. awesome style love it


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. love this outfit!!

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