
If fashion week..


In true spirit of Fashion month I had to put together a Fashweek worthy look and actually love this outfit. There I said it. It's actually quite ridiculous how many times I put an outfit together and then after leaving the house in it and catching my reflection in several shop windows and other  miscellaneous reflective surfaces that a small little niggling voice starts to creep into my subconscious saying 'what the heckk are you wearing' ahah but i don't feel like that today hurrah.
 I'm  literally obsessed with this longline blazer from NEXT from the structure, to the colour and texture I genuinely think it's utter perfection. I feel like it can just add a certain sophistication and nonchalance to any outfit (ok maybe not a  fluorescent Mckenzie head to toe tracksuit but you get my gist right). I mean maybe it's forfeited any type of shapely silhouette as the jacket combined with the midi skirt makes me look pretty straight up and down but just call me a Manrepeller as I seriously couldn't care less about that, when this stunning coat's balancing gracefully on my shoulders. 
Concerning the Celine Paris (dupe) top that pretty much everyone and they're pet rabbit has, I tried to add an edge to it by wearing it cropped and high necked and I loved how it looked! Ah and I've finally got a new Casio hurrah, I've been  so lost since my old one finally let go after a courageous fight and this time I went for the smaller, less common, model which you can check here. It's a right beauty no?

Have an amazing weekend darls' and look out for
my A/W14 trend report coming next it's going to be the bomb.com (obviously)aha. xoo

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  1. Your outfit is gorgeous! I really really love your jacket, I want one for myself! x

    smoke + velvet

  2. What a gorgeous outfit! You look fab girl!! xx

    Hannah @ FashionistaDigital

  3. I love the blazer! It's super chic and looks like it would go with a lot. I love the whole outfit, too!
    Really great blog! Thanks for following me, I will be following back! (:

    Kendra | It's a Bug's Life

  4. LOVE! I totes understand the whole reflective surface situation, that is basically the story of my life, but this outfit is the bowwwmb. Love the editing of the photos too! x

  5. Love this outfit! Just found your blog and really love all your outfits chick! xx

  6. oh your t-shirt is great!
    very nice blog by the way :)

    kisses from Russia,

  7. Love your blog so much! x

    and bloglovin' https://www.bloglovin.com/blog/11822523

  8. love your style! so gorgeous

  9. I loooooove your skirt! The pattern is so beautiful :)

    The Indie Byline

  10. What a gorgeous look Dear! I adore that skirt and the way you combined it, it's so fashionweek! I am glad that I found your blog sweetie xx


  11. yep.... I pretty much love this look. And your site! Very chic.

  12. what's a cute outfit, love it xx


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