
Happy 2014!


HAPPY NEW YEAR BEAUTS!! It's officially the end of the festive season and the beginning of the 20thousandth and 14th year A.D. I hope you've been having an absolute blast these past few days and eating to your hearts content and more! So what did I choose to sport on the day that we crossed over monochrome of course. (In fact for the actual night, I actually sported white on white, which is my number one favourite trend. All in a look that was quite superbly overdressed for the occasion, but that’s another story for another post).For the look pictured above and around I didn't want to look too dressy but didn't want to look like I hadn't bothered either d'you get my flow.

What is that your licking Grandy? You ask. Well its only the darling Leandra Medine's debut book Man Repellor (Titled after her blog and way of life). It was a Christmas present from my Sissy and I just cant wait to devour it. Those who haven't already fallen in love with her are blogging genius to do so right after you've finished this post! She's sort of my inspiration.

Another Christmas present i'm rocking is the gold and green gemstone chain necklace below. This was present from me to me and i'm literally obssessed with it you guys I think it looks quite gogo-phillip esque but i literally picked it up in the sale for about £3 yeas girl (though its now of stock).
The flatform and the sock such a cosy pair.

Regarding resolutions i've decided to boycott making them this year because let's face it, my last year's resolution well and truly face planted. If anyone has made some, I would love to hear all in the comments and if there are any of you out there that have broken the barrier for all resolutions far and wide, for actually sucseeding?!  Well by gosh it would be a pleasure of me to hear what is was and just how you achieved it! 

Peace and love beauts xox

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  1. Thanks so much for dropping by my blog! I followed your blog via GFC, hope you can follow back? :) Have a fabulous year!! xx

    Ysabel of Pleasantly Chic

  2. absolutely in love with the flatforms!
    haha I didn't make any either xx

  3. LOVE your shoes!! Leandra is my inspo too, I've had her book for a while but haven't gotten round to reading it because of uni work but I CAN'T WAIT!!!


    B xx

  4. Amazing shoes!!
    Love this post :)


    Blog: Stolen Inspiration
    Instagram: KendraAlexandra
    Facebook: StolenInspiration

  5. I like your shoes :) also I NEED TO GET THAT BOOK. i love love love reading Man Repeller and Leandra Medine is too funny/cool. She is my inspiration as of late as well.

  6. I love this look, you look so trendy. Flatforms are so huge now, but I haven't had the confidence to try them out yet. I need to give it a go!

    By the way, I followed you on bloglovin and GFC :) It would mean so much if you’d check out my blog and follow back if you like it!


  7. I really love your velvet flatforms, they are gorgeous!!!

    Rose xo


  8. Beautiful! Following you, are you on twitter? x Jazzy (hivenn.co.uk)

  9. loved your blog a lot, beautiful outfit x

  10. Loving this outfit and I really want to pick up that book!



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