
Tartan Fever


As you well and truly know the Tartan trend has been absolutely everywhere this Autumn/Winter and of course I cannot get enough of it! From head to toe tartan like Ashley Adekwe from Ring my bell in the centre to the must have Tartan jacket like the lovely Renée from fashionfillers on the bottom  left. Fashion gals everywhere have been rocking this trend quite beautifully and not just this season as the Clueless girls show in the throwback pic, just how they where rocking it way ahead of their time . And as this trend is definitely here to stay throughout this chilly season, I thought I'd compile a tartan selection with a bit of a kick and with a few peaces that have a certain Je ne sais quois about them. My selection includes tartan pieces I haven't seen worn yet so you my lovely's can rock the tartan without it looking like a catholic girls school uniform!
Stella McCartney Jumper/ Topshop Lion Chain/ Topshop skort/ River Island Brushed Check Skirt/ Topshop Leather and tartan skirtTopshop Navy Check Shirt

What are your thoughts on the trend? & Have a beautiful day! xox

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  1. Hey darling ;)
    Love ur blog <3

    I'm following u via gfc and bloglovin !
    Hope you will follow me too !

    Have a nice day,



  2. coool !
    follow each other ?:)
    let me know

  3. I love tartan so much at the moment too :-) What amazing items!! Love the jumper! xxx


  4. I love your blog! This post is awesome!
    Check out my blog, write your opinion and maybe...follow?
    Where are you from?

  5. Love tartan and the selection of photos you made <3
    Loved your blog! Wanna follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let us know!


  6. We love Tartan! Wish we could afford the Stella McCartney Jumper! Grrr! Great Picks!

  7. I love tartan! I just bought a tartan skirt yesterday - I can't wait to wear it.

    Corinne x

  8. Great photos <3
    Check out my blog and let me know if you wanna follow each other on GFC and FB?

    Your Princess is in Another Castle

    xx Sofie

  9. my favourite! love the tartan and leather skirt :) xx

  10. The Leather Skirt is fabulous!
    XX Regards from Madrid


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