
Clshing Prints V Harmonious Neutrals


Heyy lovely's so today I'm asking the age old question which summer vibe is best? Many use the emergence of the sun as a signal to throw on the colliding prints in a simultaneous brush off to the winter whilst many fahionista's in the summer only don white's with the aceptance of pastel hues as a fresh way to welcome the sun. I personally am stumped by the question because endless bloggers just seem to captivate my senses in beautiful whites worn alone by beauts like atlantic pacific whilst on the other hand I see amazing bloggers like helena at bell's fashion throwing on the prints like she just doesn't care leaving me forever torn. So I would just love to know what your opinions are and below I've put together some of my favourite print & neautral peices to help you form your decision :D

And omgg I just put this post together in 2 hourss I'm incredibly proud of myself aha this is because i'm at the library right now due to no Wifi at my house as we've just moved in. So dont judge me for any errors ahh BloggerIssues eh though i'm so exited im getting the beautiful S4 so I'll be able to blog on the go yaay.Hope you all have an amazing weekend darlss xox 

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  1. I need everything in this post haha! I think I love both trends, now I just need money to buy it all.

    Style Blog // Photography Blog // Photography Facebook

  2. I always side with prints! need them and love them!

    Myra x

    Alluring Style

  3. Haha this was a great post! I love these outfits, especially the second. Good luck with your move!xx


  4. Love everything in this post!! New follower !! Xx


  5. You didn't say where we can find the earrings :( X

    ► http://flydp.blogspot.com


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