
OhSo Shopcade Competition


Are you one of those people who; when you have no money at all and your bank balance is like -29.50 you'll be lusting over every little Urban Outfitter's & Asos number that catches your eye but when you suddenly do find great fortune and find yourself with a nice amount of un-overdrafted cash your stumped on what to buy! Well... I have the solution (without sounding too much like a Cilit Bang commercial) I pretty much have a solution to end this problem possibly, most likely, forever! Ever heard of Shopcade what is it you ask? Well its
an amazing site created for avid shoppers, which allows you to create different lists of pieces  that that you want/need/cannot live without, which you can upload from any site and keep tracand the site alerts you if any deals or offers become available for them!

This is my 'Things I need' list on Shopcade atm talk about monochrome obsessed always with the subtle hint of denim.
.And the best thing about the site is it has a huge range of deals from exclusive ones to discount codes and sale items which is just perfect for those fashionista's on a budget like myself. At first I though this was too good to be true and didn't actually believe it until I conducted an investigation which showed the following results...

Americanapparel.co.uk  / Shopcade.com 
The results I believe speak for themselves :D And at the moment Shopcade are doing a lovely competition where one luck person (hopefully me ;)) could win a £200 Asos voucher PLUS a £200 voucher for a retailer of your choice on Shopcade! To find out more check out the full post here and ofcourse If you want to make some awesome savings and want to explore Shopcade for yourself check it out here!

Hope you liked the post doll's & Omg its my Prom tomorrow ahh aha. Have an OhSoWonderful day dears xo

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  1. Thanks soo much for this post I will surely be checking out this site ! Ahah my bank balance is literally £2.95 at the moment, so this site is definitely Gods Devine intervention.
    P.s I hope you had a lovely prom, and hopefully you do a blogpost about it! :)
    Madsharayrays Wardrobe

    Sent from my iPhone

  2. Hello, I've been looking at your blog and it's inspired me to write my own! I really like your blog a lot, it's amazing! Please check out my blog thebucketlistfashion.blogspot.co.uk it's new so it only has 4 posts, but I hope you like!

    Please keep up the amazing blog posts!
    Gabrielle :)


Thank you so much for leaving a comment I appreciate every single one! God bless

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