
Ohso farewell 2012


Happy New Year Every Body! It’s so weird that its 2013, I feel as if in 2012 so much has happened. I mean, we survived the end of the world twice, now that's got to be a story to tell the grandkids right. This time last year I hadn't even surfaced on the blogosphere (my blogs a year old on the 13th, how cute.) I hadn’t known anything about blogging or such like and basically my life was incomplete haha. I have to say as cliché as it might sound, I really do love blogging although it takes me literally weeks to get a single post up... which leads to my New Year’s resolution. I know I know, New Year’s resolutions are basically made to be broken precisely between 2-7 days after they are set, but this year mine is to blog more regularly and I actually plan to keep it! It’s quite shocking when I look at my blogs archive and see in the entire Year of 2012 I only updated 17times! I know I deserve to stoned &  when I compare this to the likes of some of my favourite bloggers for example the man reppeller who posts every 2 or 3 days this means in 2012 she would have posted around 122 times! Yes these figures do make me feel like a failure, so I unsuccessfully comfort myself by reciting the phrase 'quality over quantity'. *Que Anthem* But no more! In 2013 I pledge to post on my blog Ohsofashion at least once a week! Haha so that’s my New Year’s resolution I would love to hear what yours' are so comment them below! Thank you so much for all the incredibly lovely comments you leave & for following me of course, you guys are just so nice!  And above is what I wore on New Years Eve/Day Hope you like xoxo

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  1. Gorgeous outfit love the blazer xx

    1. Thanks doll It was a christmas present! :)xo

  2. Such a gorgeous outfit, love the skirt! Looking forward to the new posts :)

  3. Amazing outfit! I love your blazer


    1. Taah hun, it was like my favourite christmas present! xox

  4. You look absolutely stunning!!! Perfect outfit!

  5. to make the BC wasn't a big deal for me :D when i was about to cut my hair i was soo happy, i dont know why but it felt good to lose all this relaxed hair.of course i've thought about it many months,but i would choose it again and again. if my hair so growing fast? well...hmm i dont know. somedays i think like 'damn my hair so growing!' and there are somedays i think that there like the day i had my big chop. its because the shrinkage i guess... but also im really bad in judging stuff like that :) if you want to BC your head? just go for it! black girls are always good looking with short/bald hair right?or have you ever seen an ugly one?;) and you're just a pretty girl so the BC-look would look good on you :D now your still young!you can try out things for which you may later have no more time.

    oh yes I've written you a poem,sorry for my bad english it can only get better :)

    I hope this has helped you a bit

    xx nicole :D

    1. Thanks for the advice hun, It really helped I definately think Im gonna do it soon wish me luck haha! xox

  6. Nice outfit, you look great! I dont really have resolutions this year but i would like to travel more :)


    1. Thanks hun & thats always a good resolution! xox

  7. Just spotted your blog and spent the last hour with it. Really lovely style. Love your combo here...the jacket kills it. So nice!!!
    Feel free to come by.


  8. love the coat so much!!!
    Follow me on http://laviecestchic.blogspot.it
    xoxo Marika

  9. Happy new year! You look great, I'm in love with this outfit!

  10. Love love love lovee your blog and fashion sense. I would like to feature you on my entertainment site as a 'Teen Fashionista'. If interested email teensavvy@yahoo.com for more details!

  11. I love this outfit! :-)

  12. Cute blazer lady!


  13. I love that skirt!

    xo Sootjeelina

  14. Aaah i don't know how i havent been following your blog earlier, but better late than never! Love this look, especially the leather skirt! xx


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