A few weeks back I wrote a post dedicated to the 180° angle revolution that's swept the fashion-sphere yes the killer flats ofcourse. If you havent seen the post don't feel bad darling just check it out heree! :) So when I won this sammydress giveway I knew the I had to bag myself pair and arent they just stunning! Green velvet+ loafers+2inch platform I think was just a combination destined to marry and honey moon for entirity in my closet. And the fact I got these bad boys for free only makes my happyness shoot way past the percentage that its socially excepted for a pair of shoes to make you feel whoops. Although they were a tad uncomfortable when I wrote them for the first time I reckon I just need to wear into them!
To check out Sammydress' other affordable glad rags click here because they literally have gorgeouss heels for less that £10 I know!!Comment below on your fave shoes of the minute and add weather your digging these or would prefer if some dag a hole and chucked them in aha
Also Made in Chelsea's i.e the greateat show on earth is back on April the 7th the countown beggins hurrah! Thank you for reading have a beautiful day darl and Jesus love you xox